Apr 20, 2017
6 Ways to Make Your Commute to Work Stress-FreeTop tips on how to make your daily commute to work stress-free. Most people today see commuting as a necessary evil. Taking the same journey from A to B every day at the same time sounds easy, but the daily commute comes loaded with potential ˜stressors' that get the best of us all. Even though it must...
Apr 06, 2017
Heading Out on Spring Break? Road Trip Tips You NeedMake sure your spring break goes smoothly with these road trip tips. With spring break right around the corner, families, teens, and adults are prepping themselves for a fun break ahead. Many will choose to drive to their destination. While you get the freedom of time, a stressful drive may put you...
Apr 04, 2017
Teen Tire Safety Tips: What Your Child Needs to KnowPrepare your child for the road ahead with these teen tire safety tips. Your teen's driver's education class focuses on the rules of the road and being an attentive driver. But driving lessons often miss the mark when it comes to teaching students about the basics of car maintenance. A crucial part...
Mar 07, 2017
Males vs. Females - Who Gets the Short Stick of Auto Insurance in Antioch?Gender plays a large role in premiums for auto insurance in Antioch because of stigma. There's an ongoing debate regarding who's the better driver when it comes to men and women. It's only natural for each gender to think that they're the better drive, but what's the real deal? Even more so, the reality...
Feb 24, 2017
Stay Safe with These Passenger Safety Tips and Auto Insurance in AntiochSafe driving habits and auto insurance in Antioch can keep your passengers safe. As a driver, it's your responsibility to be safe on the roads, not only for yourself but also for your passengers and other motorists. With the roads busier than ever, it's important to take extra caution to remain safe....
Feb 20, 2017
Seeing Red? Here's How to Deal with Road RageStay calm on the roads by knowing how to deal with road rage. A learner driver goes ten mph below the speed limit, a tourist cuts you off, someone in a hurry tailgates you all the way to your freeway exit - we've all been there. We've all felt frustrated on the roads, whether it's due to traffic, bad...
Jan 30, 2017
Tips to Stay Focused and Avoid Distracted DrivingLearn how to avoid distracted driving to stay safe on the roads. Almost everyone is guilty of some form of distracted driving. Whether you fiddle with the radio, read directions from a navigation app, or get into thoughtful conversations with the passengers, it's easy to be distracted from driving....
Jan 06, 2017
Three Questions to Ask Your MechanicWhen your car suffers an issue, it's essential to ask your mechanic the right questions. Every motorist knows that cars are expensive. From financing to filling it up to expensive repairs, our mobile machines empty our pockets regularly. Fortunately, there are smart (and accessible) things that you...
Jan 03, 2017
What You Need to Know About Auto Insurance in Antioch and Your Leased CarYour leased vehicle must have auto insurance in Antioch. Who doesn't love driving a brand new car? Even the smell alone is enough for most of us to buy a new one. Leasing a vehicle is a good option if you want to save some cash without sacrificing your ride. With interest rates so low, leasing a vehicle...
Dec 19, 2016
Safe Driving Tips for Heavy Rain and SnowWinter is here! Safe driving tips for the ice-laced roads ahead. For anyone driving on the road, severe weather can be frightening and dangerous. The wintery conditions of rain, snow, hail, and fog can make driving a real challenge for motorists. While the weather turns not-so-ideal for your commute,...