Feb 12, 2025
How Driver’s License Points Affect Your Car Insurance RatesKeeping a clean driving record is one of the best ways to maintain affordable car insurance rates. Traffic violations and accidents can lead to driver’s license points, which often result in higher insurance premiums. Understanding how points impact your Car Insurance rate and what you can do to...
Aug 07, 2024
Cash in on Your Degree: Top Car Insurance Discounts for Recent GraduatesYou've graduated from college and started an exciting new chapter. But amidst the job search, apartment hunting, and post-grad celebrations, a not-so-exciting reality of car insurance costs sets in. Fear not, recent grads! Let's navigate the world of car insurance and unlock valuable discounts to ease...
Sep 06, 2023
Found Stolen Car After Settlement: Now What?Car theft is a distressing experience, and the first questions that come to mind are often related to insurance coverage and the recovery process. In this article, we will explore what happens when a stolen car is recovered after settlement, shedding light on the steps you need to take and the role of...
Nov 17, 2021
Thinking of Bundling Car and Home Insurance? Here's What You Should KnowTo attract and retain customers, most insurance companies offer multi-policy discounts (bundling discounts). While this may sound like a good deal, bundling policies has some downsides, too. Therefore, you should analyze your situation carefully before bundling your policies. What Is Bundling? Bundling...
Jun 03, 2021
What You Need to Know about Car Insurance ChecksThere are so many questions involved in choosing an insurance policy for your automobile. It is essential to properly understand the terms, conditions, and policies of your automobile insurance. To help you understand what car insurance checks are all about, the following are the answers to some of the...
Apr 15, 2021
Will My Auto Insurance Policy Cover Off-Road Driving?In the U.S., most auto insurance policies only cover "normal usage" of road-legal vehicles, which means driving on the highway. However, Americans love off-road driving. To give you an idea, the U.S. off-road vehicles market was worth around $9 billion in 2017 and has been growing steadily since then,...
Aug 20, 2020
Will Car Insurance Pay for Scratches?Nobody likes seeing a scratch on their car. When your vehicle gets scratched, you may try to buff it out, but sometimes, the damage is much worse than what a little elbow grease can repair. As a result, you may wonder if you can get protection from your car coverage. Take a look at whether or not your...
Jun 13, 2017
Why Do Car Insurance Rates Vary by State?Car insurance rates vary dramatically across the country. Find out why. If you've recently moved to a new state or have been forced to purchase new car insurance, you may be wondering why auto insurance rates vary so much state to state - sometimes by as much as several hundred dollars. We take a look...
Jun 08, 2017
What You Should Know About Auto Insurance for a Coupe & SedanTo help you pick the right car and policy, here's what you need to know about auto insurance for a coupe & sedan. Gas mileage and eco-friendliness are important factors for choosing a car, but the final decision comes down to personal preference. The average car shopper has specific car features...
May 30, 2017
Top Rules That Car Passengers Should FollowSafety tips for all car passengers. Your car carries precious cargo: yourself, your family, and your friends. Protecting the ones you love comes naturally. Even so, a safe journey means that the driver is following the rules of the road and the car passengers live by important safety tips. Whether...