

Breaking down the Cost of Earthquake Insurance in California

Jun 15, 2022

Breaking down the Cost of Earthquake Insurance in California

Homeowners insurance doesn’t typically cover earthquakes. So as a California homeowner, you should carry earthquake insurance if your property is to be fully protected. On average, in California, earthquake insurance costs $3.54 for every $1,000 of insurance coverage. This means to insure your...

Do Multiple Car Insurance Claims Impact My Premiums?

May 25, 2022

Do Multiple Car Insurance Claims Impact My Premiums?

If you file a car insurance claim, your insurer will likely consider you high risk, and therefore, raise your premiums. They will further increase your premium if you file multiple car insurance claims in three years. The period (either the same week or a year apart) between two claims doesn’t...

How Do Insurance Companies Pay Homeowners Insurance Claims?

May 18, 2022

How Do Insurance Companies Pay Homeowners Insurance Claims?

Homeowners' insurance claims payout periods vary depending on your state and insurance company’s requirements. However, the process of settling claims typically follows certain procedures. Here is a look at how a claim is assessed and paid. How Is Damage Assessed During a Claim? Once you file...

Does Renters Insurance Coverage Include Theft in Your Car?

May 11, 2022

Does Renters Insurance Coverage Include Theft in Your Car?

Renters insurance coverage can be an ideal safety net for your personal belongings. It can cover a broad range of valuables you’ve acquired over time against loss resulting from theft or damage due to a fire or natural event. The right renters policy would provide this financial protection wherever...

Answers to the 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Condo Insurance

May 04, 2022

Answers to the 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Condo Insurance

From an insurance perspective, condominium ownership differs from other types of home ownership in a few key ways. So, if you just bought a new condo, you may have a few condo insurance FAQs about how the coverage works. Read on to find the answers that can help you decide the best way to protect yourself. What...

7 Reasons You Should Buy Pet Insurance

Apr 28, 2022

7 Reasons You Should Buy Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is becoming more popular for fur baby parents who want to protect their animals just like they protect the rest of the family. With the cost of owning a pet rising along with everything else, it stands to reason that insuring your animals is a wise investment. Pet insurance offers many...

Will My RV Insurance Premium Go up If I File a Claim?

Apr 21, 2022

Will My RV Insurance Premium Go up If I File a Claim?

Your RV insurance costs won't automatically go up just because you've filed a claim. In case you file an insurance claim, an adjuster will assess the related incident photos and police report and talk to witnesses of the accident. Whether your rates will rise depends on liability and fault. Here's detailed...

Critical Errors When Filing Motorcycle Accident Claims

Apr 14, 2022

Critical Errors When Filing Motorcycle Accident Claims

Thousands of people ride their motorcycles on a daily basis. While riding motorcycles is a popular hobby, it also comes with significant risks. One bump in the road or a collision with an object can lead to severe injuries. Insurance provides protection during emergencies. If you are planning to file...

Filing an Insurance Claim After an Earthquake

Apr 07, 2022

Filing an Insurance Claim After an Earthquake

Living through an earthquake can be a scary experience. Once you check your family and pets to ensure everyone is in good shape, your next thoughts go to your property. It can be difficult to see the damage, so you may not even realize all of the things that could be wrong. As soon as the dust settles,...

Common Enhanced Safety Upgrades For Classic Cars

Mar 25, 2022

Common Enhanced Safety Upgrades For Classic Cars

Classic cars are unique and valuable assets, and they are popular attractions, as evidenced by the thousands of car shows and exhibitions that occur every year. Because of their value, classic cars are popular targets for thieves. In order to protect your classic car, here are some key safety upgrades...

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