

Homeowners Insurance: What Is an

Dec 22, 2021

Homeowners Insurance: What Is an "Act of God"?

Reading a homeowners policy for many is like looking at a book written in a different language wherein the words and phrases used may be difficult to understand. One such phrase is an 'Act of God.' Defining an "Act of God" An "Act of God" is an event that occurs directly because of a force of nature...

Parking Your Car on the Road Without Insurance? Here's What You Need to Know

Dec 15, 2021

Parking Your Car on the Road Without Insurance? Here's What You Need to Know

Every state has mandatory car insurance requirements. Although it may be different for each state, the basic premise is still the same. If you own a vehicle and it is registered with the state, it also must be insured. Even if you don't drive it much or keep it in the garage for the majority of the year,...

5 Important Emergency Life-Saving Tips You Should Know

Dec 08, 2021

5 Important Emergency Life-Saving Tips You Should Know

An emergency will take you by surprise and will require some quick thinking. You will need to react quickly to get things under control. If someone gets severely injured, time is of the essence. With a little training, you will know what to do in any situation and may actually play an integral role in...

Thinking of Bundling Car and Home Insurance? Here's What You Should Know

Nov 17, 2021

Thinking of Bundling Car and Home Insurance? Here's What You Should Know

To attract and retain customers, most insurance companies offer multi-policy discounts (bundling discounts). While this may sound like a good deal, bundling policies has some downsides, too. Therefore, you should analyze your situation carefully before bundling your policies. What Is Bundling? Bundling...

How Homeowners Insurance Cover Personal Injury Claims

Nov 03, 2021

How Homeowners Insurance Cover Personal Injury Claims

Personal injuries can happen at anyone's home, which is why every homeowner needs to carry a certain amount of liability coverage. For example, a guest might trip over a crack in your floor and sustain serious injuries from the fall. Therefore, you will need sufficient coverage in place to reduce the...

Being Dishonest on Your Insurance Application Will Void Your Policy

Oct 27, 2021

Being Dishonest on Your Insurance Application Will Void Your Policy

Insurance companies take on a lot of financial risks to secure your policies. In return for them taking such a large risk, they rely on their clients to be as honest as possible when filling out applications and providing valuable information they will need to secure your policies. Whether intentional...

How Your Credit Check Can Affect Your Renters Insurance

Oct 20, 2021

How Your Credit Check Can Affect Your Renters Insurance

Most renters are people who cannot afford a home and all the monthly costs that go with it. In the quest to live a low-cost lifestyle, renters often overlook the financial benefits of having a renters insurance policy. A growing number of landlords require that their tenants carry a specified amount...

How To Proceed If Your Home Insurance Claim Is Delayed

Oct 13, 2021

How To Proceed If Your Home Insurance Claim Is Delayed

Home insurance helps protect one of your most valuable assets, your home. If something were to go wrong, generally, your next move would be to file a homeowners insurance claim. However, there are some cases when filing a claim may not go as smoothly as you would like. Unfortunately, there have been...

Important Facts about Earthquake Insurance: What You Need to Know

Oct 06, 2021

Important Facts about Earthquake Insurance: What You Need to Know

Thousands of earthquakes happen around the world each year. If you live near a fault line, you should make sure you have proper earthquake insurance. It likely is not included in your basic homeowners insurance plan, especially if you live in an area prone to regular seismic activity. Here are important...

Debunking Common Myths about Life Insurance Settlements

Sep 29, 2021

Debunking Common Myths about Life Insurance Settlements

For those who need them, life insurance policies can provide much-needed funds for loved ones if the primary breadwinner passes away unexpectedly. There are instances, however, when a life insurance policy is no longer needed. In some cases, an emergency may require that a policy be liquidated so that...

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