Aug 29, 2014
Protect your Home While on VacationWhile the kids may already be back in school for the fall, it is still important to squeeze in another vacation while the weather is still warm. However, leaving your home empty while you are gone makes it a hot target for burglars. Follow these tips to ensure that your home and belongings stay safe...
Aug 22, 2014
7 Tips to Avoid Car TheftWalking out to where you parked your car is one of the most devastating events that can happen. Luckily, there are certain precautions that you can take to ensure that your car stays safe while it is parked. Keep these tips to avoid car theft in mind to make sure that your vehicle stays where it is parked. Make...
Aug 15, 2014
How Tickets can Affect your Auto InsuranceTickets can not only cost a lot of money to pay off, but they can also cost you money in your insurance premiums. The amount that tickets raise the price of your insurance is a closely guarded secret of insurance companies, experts agree that even a minor ticket will make your insurance premiums increase...
Aug 08, 2014
Distracted Driving 101Distracted driving is one of the biggest dangers on the road, with more than 9 people killed every day and more than 1,060 people injured in crashes that are reported to involve distracted driving. Distracted driving is driving while doing any other activity that takes your attention off of the road. There...
Jul 25, 2014
Backyard Safety TipsVacationing in your own backyard is a great way to save some money this summer, while still enjoying the warm summer weather. When spending time with your friends and family this summer, make sure to keep these backyard safety tips in mind to ensure everyone enjoys their summer. The pool Never allow...
Jul 18, 2014
What can an Independent Insurance Agent do for you?An independent insurance agent is a person that does not work for a single insurance company. They sell different insurance policies. There are many benefits of working with an independent insurance agent, including: More choices. Working with an independent insurance agent will allow you to have more...
Jul 07, 2014
Jack Stone Insurance Is Going Social!We have just completed setting our up all new social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn! So no matter what channel you prefer, you can find us! Please like, follow, connect, gather and subscribe today!
Jul 03, 2014
Our New Website!Thank you for visiting our newly redesigned website! Our team will be creating new articles and updates for the blog pages of our new site for you to read and reference in the coming days, but in the meantime we want to encourage you to browse through the rest of the site to review the other great information,...