Jun 20, 2019
10 Commonly Stolen Cars (and How to Protect Yours)America's Most Stolen Vehicles - And How to Protect Yours When people think about car theft, they think of thieves breaking into brand new vehicles in the dead of night. In reality, that isn't the case anymore. Thieves are getting smarter when it comes to gaining access to a vehicle, and many crimes...
Jun 18, 2019
Steps to Protect Your Home From Wildfire DamageProtecting Your Property Against Wildfire Damage California is no strange to wildfires with the state reaching a record number of fires in previous years. When temperatures reach upwards of 2000° as they did in the Oakland fire of 1991, everything the flames touches burns and there's little you can...
Jun 13, 2019
Protect Your Property with These Home Insurance EndorsementsHome Insurance Endorsements to Add to Your Coverage Your homeowners insurance in Antioch, CA is designed to protect your property when you need it the most. While it does a good job of safeguarding your finances against an array of disasters, every policy has its limits and exclusions. For many homeowners,...
Jun 11, 2019
Healthy Snacking Tips for Your Summer Road TripFill Up with Healthy Food While on Your Summer Road Trip The season of summer road trips is here! Whether you're traveling to another state or the next city, road tripping is one of America's much-loved ways to travel. Before you pack up the car for your summer adventure, be sure to consider these smart...
Jun 06, 2019
Five Tips to Tame Your Road RageStay Calm Behind the Wheel with These Tips We've all been there. Whether someone cut in front of us, a tourist is driving well below the speed limit in front of us, or rush hour is taking its toll on our patience, it's natural to feel angry behind the wheel at some point. However, when we get extremely...
Jun 04, 2019
Does Car Insurance Cover Rental Cars?Does My Auto Insurance Cover Rental Vehicles? Summertime means getting away from the norm and experiencing something different. But before you rent a vehicle to explore a different city or state, it's worth reviewing your coverage on your personal auto insurance in Antioch, CA. In some cases, your current...
May 30, 2019
Hosting Summer Parties? Consider Your LiabilityInsurance for Hosting Backyard Summer Parties Summer is right around the corner, and that means that many of us are planning ahead for celebrations and fun. Hosting a gathering, BBQ, graduation party, and summer party are all fantastic ways to enjoy the sunshine with friends and family. While planning...
May 28, 2019
What You Should Know About Solar Panels and Homeowners InsuranceDoes Homeowners Insurance Cover Solar Panels? Solar panels are a great way of harnessing the power of the California sun, and more and more homeowners and choosing to install them. But switching to solar power is an expensive investment and one that can cost homeowners anywhere between $15,000 and $30,000....
May 23, 2019
Is There a Thing as Too Much Auto Insurance?Finding the Right Amount of Auto Insurance Finding the right car insurance is like Goldilocks's porridge. Sometimes policies will offer you too much coverage - far more than you may need. Others will only provide the bare minimum, which makes for a cheap policy but unreliable protection. Finding the...
May 21, 2019
Most Reliable Cars and Car Companies of 2019Reliable Cars to Consider Are you in the market for a new vehicle? If so, you will be wanting a reliable vehicle that you can count on and will last many years. Take a look at the top reliable cars and car companies of 2019 that prove time and time again that they are dependable. The Most Reliable...