Apr 04, 2019
4 Homeowners Insurance Lesser-Known BenefitsDid You Know About the Benefits of Homeowners Insurance? If you are a homeowner with a mortgage, then it is likely that your lender requires you to have homeowners insurance. Even though you have to have coverage, don't despair. There are many benefits to having homeowners insurance that can impact your...
Mar 28, 2019
Does Home Insurance Cover Damage From Landslides and Mudslides?Do You Need Additional Coverage for Landslides and Mudslides? Mother Nature has produces some beautiful landscapes. Rolling hills and breath-taking sunsets - but she also has a dark side and those picturesque landscapes can quickly turn into a disaster area. For most homeowners, floods, and earthquakes...
Mar 26, 2019
Motorcycle Insurance: Easy Tips to Purchase the Right PolicyHow to Find Reliable Motorcycle Insurance Every day is a good day for a bike ride, especially when you've got the perfect motorcycle cover. If you are still in need of quality motorcycle insurance, then don't panic. We have rounded up a few essential steps you should consider in order to purchase the...
Mar 21, 2019
Situations When You Should Call Your Homeowners Insurance CompanyReasons to Call Your Insurance Agency and File a Claim Homeowners insurance is a form of protection that homeowners hope they never have to use. Of course, it's good to have coverage if a disaster hits your house, but it's even better if no disaster happens. Unfortunately, there are some situations where...
Mar 19, 2019
Easy Tips for Preventing Water Damage From AppliancesSimple Tips to Prevent Water Damage from Home Appliances Believe it or not but home appliances are one of the leading culprits for causing water damage in the home. When most homeowners think of water damage, they think about heavy rain, thunderstorms, and burst water mains. To safeguard your home and...
Mar 12, 2019
Save Essential Life Assets with Umbrella InsuranceWhy Umbrella Insurance is Essential to Protect Your Assets There's no denying it - we live in a litigious society. Everywhere you look, there's a story about someone being sued or a tragic accident occurring somewhere. The truth is, the more assets you have, the more likely you are to become another...
Mar 07, 2019
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing Car Insurance for Your TeenAvoid Making These Costly Insurance Mistakes For many parents, having a new teen driver in the house can be an exciting and extremely stressful event. It's only natural that you worry about their safety behind the wheel. After all, you know the dangers of driving. As the parent of a new teen driver,...
Mar 05, 2019
What You Didn't Know About Umbrella Insurance CoverageAmazing Facts About Umbrella Insurance When it comes to protecting the things that matter the most, umbrella insurance is extra liability coverage that goes above and beyond the limits of your other insurance policies. Your umbrella policy also covers situations that aren't covered by your primary policies,...
Feb 28, 2019
The Difference Between Pleasure and Commute in Terms of Auto InsuranceHow to Define Your Driving When Applying for Car Insurance When you are looking for auto insurance, you will be asked a number of questions regarding your vehicle, driving history, and lifestyle. Answering these questions correctly helps insurers to determine what type of insurance you need and how much...
Feb 26, 2019
4 Signs Your Roof Needs to be ReplacedIndicators It's Time for a New Roof Your roof is your home's first line of defense against natural disasters and weather conditions. It's only natural to want it keep it in good condition and make it last many years. Most homeowners dread to think about when their roof needs to be replaced, but it's...