Jan 09, 2017
Easy Ways to Combat Sitting All DayCounteract the effects of sitting all day with these tips. Even though it's just a ˜desk job,' working in an office can wreak havoc on our bodies. If you're someone who spends all day (and night) at a computer, you may experience lower back pain, wrist pain, a tight neck, lack of mobility, stiffness,...
Jan 06, 2017
Three Questions to Ask Your MechanicWhen your car suffers an issue, it's essential to ask your mechanic the right questions. Every motorist knows that cars are expensive. From financing to filling it up to expensive repairs, our mobile machines empty our pockets regularly. Fortunately, there are smart (and accessible) things that you...
Jan 03, 2017
What You Need to Know About Auto Insurance in Antioch and Your Leased CarYour leased vehicle must have auto insurance in Antioch. Who doesn't love driving a brand new car? Even the smell alone is enough for most of us to buy a new one. Leasing a vehicle is a good option if you want to save some cash without sacrificing your ride. With interest rates so low, leasing a vehicle...
Dec 28, 2016
How to Prepare for a Power ShortageLearn how to prepare for a power shortage before it goes dark. Weather, accidents, storms, and not paying the electricity bill can disrupt the power that we're so used to having. Serious damage to the power lines and the electrical grid can cause outages for days or weeks. As a homeowner, you should...
Dec 28, 2016
Make These Insurance Resolutions for 2017Insurance resolutions that you can actually keep throughout 2017! Are you one of the 45 percent of Americans who make New Years Resolutions? If you're also part of the 73 percent of those people who give up on their resolution before meeting the goal, then we have good news for you. Instead of (or as...
Dec 21, 2016
Healthy Holiday Stuffing Recipe!This holiday stuffing recipe will satisfy all of the guests around your festive table. Are you all prepared for the holidays just around the corner? The holidays are a time for friends and family to gather around a feast. If you have yet to prepare the stuffing dish, look no further than this delicious...
Dec 19, 2016
Safe Driving Tips for Heavy Rain and SnowWinter is here! Safe driving tips for the ice-laced roads ahead. For anyone driving on the road, severe weather can be frightening and dangerous. The wintery conditions of rain, snow, hail, and fog can make driving a real challenge for motorists. While the weather turns not-so-ideal for your commute,...
Dec 16, 2016
Avoid These Common Mistakes When Buying Life Insurance in AntiochAre you making these mistakes in your life insurance in Antioch? There are many things to consider before purchasing a life insurance policy. You'll need to consider what your goals are for buying a policy, which policy best fits your lifestyle, and how much you're willing to pay. For many people, buying...
Dec 13, 2016
Fireplace Safety Tips for the Winter SeasonAs the winter approaches, it's time to review fireplace safety tips. As the nights draw in and the temperatures drop, many of us are turning to our fireplaces to heat the house. There are few things that start the festive season like a stoked fire. While you're putting your Boy Scout skills to use to...
Dec 07, 2016
How to Throw the Best Holiday PartyIf you're tempted to throw the best holiday party this year, here's how! The holidays always mean plenty of dinners, events, and parties, including those for work and home. If you've decided to throw your own holiday shindig, you'll undoubtedly have a big project on your hands. While the festive season...