

Seeing Red? Here's How to Deal with Road Rage

Feb 20, 2017

Seeing Red? Here's How to Deal with Road Rage

Stay calm on the roads by knowing how to deal with road rage. A learner driver goes ten mph below the speed limit, a tourist cuts you off, someone in a hurry tailgates you all the way to your freeway exit - we've all been there. We've all felt frustrated on the roads, whether it's due to traffic, bad...

Better Your Health During American Heart Month

Feb 17, 2017

Better Your Health During American Heart Month

Improve your heart health during February's American Heart Month! Not only is February American Heart Month, but it's Heart Disease Awareness Month, making it doubly important to take steps to improve your heart health. As cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, it's...

The Rules for Claiming Dependents on a Tax Return

Feb 15, 2017

The Rules for Claiming Dependents on a Tax Return

Here's what you need to know about claiming dependents on a tax return. Claiming dependents on a tax return makes all the difference when it comes to your taxes. Yet, many of us are not aware of who in our family may qualify as our dependent. Adding a dependent on your tax return increases the exemption...

The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie for Your Valentine's Day Recipe

Feb 13, 2017

The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie for Your Valentine's Day Recipe

Searching the right Valentine's Day recipe for dessert? Whip up these chocolate chip cookies. Ah, February. The month of love. If you have yet to purchase a present for your loved one, you may be scrambling at this time. Before you run out to buy a cheesy card and gas station flowers, consider whipping...

Valentine's Day Date Ideas That Will Wow Your Loved One

Feb 10, 2017

Valentine's Day Date Ideas That Will Wow Your Loved One

Easy and affordable Valentine's Day date ideas. On Valentine's Day, the last thing you want to do is get caught out and settle for Netflix and a takeout to surprise your loved one. Unless you're aiming for an evening to relax with your sweetie, check out these Valentine's Day date ideas that will surprise...

Tips to Stay Focused and Avoid Distracted Driving

Jan 30, 2017

Tips to Stay Focused and Avoid Distracted Driving

Learn how to avoid distracted driving to stay safe on the roads. Almost everyone is guilty of some form of distracted driving. Whether you fiddle with the radio, read directions from a navigation app, or get into thoughtful conversations with the passengers, it's easy to be distracted from driving....

What You Didn't Know About Renter's Insurance in Antioch

Jan 24, 2017

What You Didn't Know About Renter's Insurance in Antioch

These facts about renter's insurance in Antioch may surprise you. For many of us, a home of our own is what we plan for, save for, and strive so hard to achieve. And although buying a home is far down the line of perfecting credit scores, packing up belongings, and finding the right house with the perfect...

Home Insurance Checklist for New Homeowners

Jan 20, 2017

Home Insurance Checklist for New Homeowners

What new homeowners should know about securing home insurance. Whether you're packing, planning, or still picking the right house, new homeowners need homeowners insurance. While you know that this coverage protects your house and belongings, maintaining the right policy for you is critical. For what...

Why You Should Have a Home Inventory for Your Homeowners Insurance in Antioch

Jan 17, 2017

Why You Should Have a Home Inventory for Your Homeowners Insurance in Antioch

Here's why you need to take a home inventory for your homeowners insurance in Antioch. The whole reason you have homeowners insurance is to protect your assets, right? Such coverage doesn't just protect you from lawsuits and an expensive home rebuild; it protects your belongings. As most homeowners...

It's Sneezing Season: Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Jan 11, 2017

It's Sneezing Season: Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Use these cold and flu home remedies to fight viruses and bugs this season. From November until around the end of January, offices, schools, supermarkets, and more are crawling with people who have colds and flu. It's the time of year when everyone is sneezing, sniffling, coughing, and running a fever....

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