

It's National Mental Health Awareness Month!

May 17, 2018

It's National Mental Health Awareness Month!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.   There are many reasons to celebrate in the month of May - May Day, Cinco de Mayo, graduations, and Mother's Day. All of these are significant events, people talk about them, make plans, throw parties and celebrate. But there is one other important event in the...

Don't Believe These Life Insurance Myths

May 15, 2018

Don't Believe These Life Insurance Myths

Life Insurance Myths Debunked Life insurance is a little discussed and often misunderstood subject. Before you purchase a policy, you want to be sure that you have a complete understanding of the product you've entrusted to keep your family's financial future secure. However, with all the myths and misconceptions,...

Common Reasons Landlords Make Insurance Claims

May 10, 2018

Common Reasons Landlords Make Insurance Claims

Common Landlord Insurance Claims  Landlords have a range of risks to deal with - and some are more common than others. Landlords have unique risks, risks that are different to homeowners', which is why it is so important for landlords to secure landlord insurance in Antioch, CA. To help you protect your...

Factors That Impact Your Auto Insurance Premium

May 08, 2018

Factors That Impact Your Auto Insurance Premium

Factors Affecting Your Car Insurance Rate When you're looking for a new car insurance policy, you'll understand that it can be a minefield of looking at different policies and seeing different rates. Auto insurance policies vary by insurance company, and insurers will take a look at certain factors before...

Cinco de Mayo Recipe: Veggie Fajitas

May 03, 2018

Cinco de Mayo Recipe: Veggie Fajitas

Easy Fajita Recipe for Cinco de Mayo Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner, and now is the time to start thinking about your menu. Part of this day is to enjoy amazing Mexican food! If you're celebrating with friends and loved ones, why not make a meal that requires self-assembly, teamwork, and is...

Spring Driving Tips to Help Keep You Safe

Apr 26, 2018

Spring Driving Tips to Help Keep You Safe

Spring Safety Driving Tips Spring is a wonderful season with all the blooming flowers and spring showers. With winter slowly fading into the background, motorists think that roads are safe again. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Spring showers can bring flooding, there may be new potholes...

Take These Steps to Get Your Boat Ready for Summer

Apr 26, 2018

Take These Steps to Get Your Boat Ready for Summer

Try out these tips to get your boat ready for summer use.   Now that spring is officially here, it's time to prepare your boat for the open water. Not sure what checks and maintenance tasks you should complete for your boat? Here are some of the steps that you should take to prepare your boat for...

Tips for Surviving Allergy Season

Apr 24, 2018

Tips for Surviving Allergy Season

How to Handle Allergy Season Spring is here and all the beauty that comes with it: flowers, fresh air, warmer temperatures, and longer days. What's not to love? Well, allergies! If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you will know how debilitating it can be. While you may feel like you can't enjoy the...

How to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly for Earth Day

Apr 22, 2018

How to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly for Earth Day

Adopt Eco-Friendly Habits in the Home Earth Day, April 22nd, is a time to help Mother Nature. After all, she's been good to us, but the human population has not been so kind to her. We continually pollute oceans and the air, eliminate wild species, cut down forests, and abuse fossil fuel resources. In...

Commercial Umbrella Insurance for Your Small Business

Apr 19, 2018

Commercial Umbrella Insurance for Your Small Business

Learn how commercial umbrella insurance can provide the liability coverage your business needs. If you run a business, then you know how important it is to have comprehensive liability coverage.  However, if you are simply relying on standard commercial liability policies, then there's a good chance...

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