

Simple Tips to Relieve Stress at Work

May 28, 2020

Simple Tips to Relieve Stress at Work

Fend Off Stress with These Tips   We live in a fast-paced world and stress can come from just about anywhere. With the recent virus outbreak, it's normal to feel stressed in daily life. However, chronic stress can hurt our physical and mental health. If you are feeling stressed while at work, there are...

3 Ways to Connect with Your Family by Unplugging

May 26, 2020

3 Ways to Connect with Your Family by Unplugging

Better Ways to Involve Your Family by Putting Down the Tech   Technology plays a large role in society. While we all stayed connected with each other through FaceTime and Zoom video calls, technology can often hinder our connections. Instead of face-to-face time with our household family, we are opting...

Tips for Managing Your Anxiety During Coronavirus

May 21, 2020

Tips for Managing Your Anxiety During Coronavirus

Hope to be Okay in a World That Isn't   If your anxiety is sky high right now, know that you're not alone. The coronavirus pandemic is affecting everything in our lives, from our work to our social interactions to our weekly grocery shop. Things are changing at a rapid pace that we may not always know...

Why is My Car a Total Loss? Now What?

May 19, 2020

Why is My Car a Total Loss? Now What?

What to Do About a Total Loss Vehicle   In accidents that are severe and even ones that are minor, the vehicles involved may be deemed damaged beyond repair. If you've recently been called by your insurer and told that your vehicle has been declared a total loss, you may be wondering why and where to...

Mental Health Tips for Coronavirus and Social Distancing

May 14, 2020

Mental Health Tips for Coronavirus and Social Distancing

How to Handle the Pandemic and Social Distancing   Every day brings new updates and guidelines on how to address the current coronavirus outbreak. Yet, a key item on the list - social distancing - poses unprecedented challenges to our mental and emotional wellbeing and requires some consideration. The...

How You Can Live and Work From Home During COVID-19

May 12, 2020

How You Can Live and Work From Home During COVID-19

Handling Working From Home During the Pandemic   Chances are, you or someone you know is facing the reality of working from home as a way to stop the spread of COVID-19. Self-quarantine is one of the best ways to flatten the curve and take pressure off the healthcare services during an outbreak. To help...

Home Security Technology: Keeping Your Ahead of the Burglars

May 07, 2020

Home Security Technology: Keeping Your Ahead of the Burglars

Stay Ahead of Burglars by Installing Smart Home Technology   Every homeowner looks for ways to deter burglars, from locking doors, removing hidden keys under plant pots, and installing floodlights that catch them in the act. In today's society, homeowners have access to the types of tools and systems...

What is Car Depreciation and How to Avoid It?

May 05, 2020

What is Car Depreciation and How to Avoid It?

Save Yourself Money by Preventing Car Depreciation   It's a well-known fact that all new cars lose some of their value the moment they're driven off the car dealership lot. Over time, cars continue to depreciate - some more than others. When buying a new car or looking to get the most out of your current...

Tips for Pest-Proofing Your Home

Apr 30, 2020

Tips for Pest-Proofing Your Home

Foolproof Ways to Keep Pests Out of Your Property   Many homeowners struggle to keep critters outdoors and end up turning to exterminators for help. But such a move should be your last resort. The best way to protect your home from unwanted guests is to keep them out in the first place. Denying them...

Is Your Boat Ready for Spring?

Apr 28, 2020

Is Your Boat Ready for Spring?

Get Your Boat Ready for Spring   It's early April. The crocuses are sprouting and the sun warms your shoulders. There is a hint of summer in the air. This time of the year offers a great opportunity to get your boat ready for the summer sailing ahead. If you winterized your boat, now is the time to...

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