Nov 19, 2020
Top 3 Mistakes in Buying Homeowners InsuranceWe all make mistakes in life. We're only human. However, when we're taking out insurance coverage, it's important that we are mindful not to make common mistakes. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. When you are choosing homeowners insurance in Antioch, CA, it's easy to focus on price or undervalue...
Nov 12, 2020
Defensive Driving Tips to Keep You Safe on the RoadWhether you are driving to the local grocery store, commuting to work, or traveling across the state to see family, staying safe on the road is important. Although you cannot control how other people drive, you can control how safely you drive. While we learn to drive as teens, and are taught all the...
Nov 05, 2020
Should You Switch to Usage-Based Auto Insurance?If you find yourself driving less because of the pandemic or a change in lifestyle, you may be wondering how you can alter your car insurance in Antioch, CA to fit your new needs €“ and lower mileage. Usage-based insurance programs base your insurance rate on your driving and can provide a discount if...
Aug 04, 2020
Sleep Myths You Should Stop BelievingWhen it comes to a restful night's sleep, many of us drift off peacefully and quickly. For others, they need a bit of assistance. We may think that we know the basics of sleeping, but there are many misconceptions about what it takes to feel rested and what is best for us. To help you understand what...
Jul 30, 2020
Hidden Costs to Prepare for When Renting an ApartmentRenting an apartment, condo, or house is a great option for those who aren't ready to commit to a mortgage and a property. However, when you are getting ready to rent a space, it's important that you know what costs you will face. After all, it may not just the monthly rent you need to consider. From...
Jul 28, 2020
Do's and Don'ts for First-Time Home BuyersBuying your first home is an exciting - albeit daunting - experience. There is a lot to do, review, sign, and pay for, which is why it helps to understand the process as best you can. To make your first buying experience easier and enjoyable, there are a few things you should know. Along with buying...
Jul 23, 2020
Watch Out for These Summer Driving HazardsSummer is here, and more people are out on the roads enjoying the warmer weather and road trip season. While many of us take this time to explore and drive to new places, it's important not to forget that the summer season comes with its own unique risks on the road. Driving safely and securing auto...
Jul 21, 2020
What You Should Know About Insurance Coverage LimitsMost business owners know that they need insurance, which is why they secure a policy. Yet, all too often, they promptly forget about it or do not ensure that they have adequate limits in their coverage. Some categories of commercial insurance in Antioch, CA will have a maximum dollar limit that the...
Jul 16, 2020
Fun Staycation Ideas for FamiliesThis summer, your plans to visit a theme park or a foreign land may have been canceled. You may even decide not to risk it this year, and stay at home instead. Having a staycation with the family doesn't mean you need to repaint the house or skip over fun altogether. A staycation is a great opportunity...
Jul 14, 2020
How to Sneak in More Veggies to Your DietWe all know that fresh fruit and vegetables are among the best foods we can eat for our health and wellness. Loaded with nutrition, vitamins, and minerals, this food group is essential for us as humans. Yet, many of us don't reach our daily recommended intake of these foods. Since July is National Fresh...