Jan 16, 2018
What to Do After an EarthquakeEarthquake Recovery Tips for Homeowners In the aftermath of an earthquake, it's understandable to feel panicked and hopeless. Buildings may be damaged, people can be hurt, and services can be affected. While many earthquakes are scary themselves, people often forget about the dangers and must-dos after...
Jan 11, 2018
Disaster Planning for Your PetsKeeping Pets Safe in Emergencies If a natural disaster strikes, what will happen to your pet? While you may have an emergency kit for yourself already stocked, it's important that you don't forget about your four-legged friends. Leaving pets out of evacuation plans can put pets and pet owners in danger....
Jan 09, 2018
What to Consider Before Renewing Auto InsuranceCar Insurance Renewal Considerations Don't wait until the last minute when it comes to renewing your auto insurance. While it's easier to let your current insurer renew your auto insurance policy automatically, it may not always be the right coverage or price for your new needs. Planning ahead can help...
Jan 04, 2018
How to Get Rid of Pests in Your Home NaturallyNon-Toxic Solutions to Deter Pests When the creepies come crawling, it's tempting to reach for a can of highly toxic fumes to spray them away. Before you go on a spraying frenzy, know that toxic solutions can be incredibly harmful to your family's health. Using these chemicals to get rid of pests can...
Dec 28, 2017
Is Life Insurance Still an Asset for the 50+?Should you get life insurance in Brentwood as a senior? Most people start their families in their 20s and 30s, and often this is the first time they think about a life insurance policy. Once this coverage is purchased, it's normal to forget about it altogether and only review it every couple of years....
Dec 27, 2017
Important Road Safety Tips for New Year's EveRing in the New Year safely by checking out with these driving tips. New Year's is a time for celebrating, reflection, and resolutions. As one of the most hyped party nights of the year, there will be lots of festivities occurring this December 31st. Whether you're throwing a party, checking out a nightclub,...
Dec 21, 2017
How to Shut Off Utilities in an EmergencyUnderstand how to shut off utilities quickly in the event of an emergency. With storm season upon us, it's important for homeowners to be prepared. In case of a disaster of any type, it may be necessary to learn how to shut off utilities to avoid further damage to your family or your home. Natural Gas It's...
Dec 19, 2017
Essential Night-Time Driving TipsDon't enjoy driving at night? These night-time driving tips can help! Driving at night can represent a challenge for many. Whether you're a new driver or have been driving for years, night-time driving means that you must face a whole host of challenges, from reduced visibility to tiredness, and driving...
Dec 14, 2017
The Only Festive Peppermint Bark Recipe You'll Need!Whip up easy festive gifts with this peppermint bark recipe. The boxes of peppermint bark only come around once a year. While store-bought bark can be laden with preservatives and a long list of ingredients, making your own peppermint bark only requires four! That's right, you can make your own delicious...
Dec 12, 2017
How to Choose the Right Vehicle for Your Young DriverHelp to protect your teenager behind the wheel with a safe car and reliable auto insurance in Antioch. Is your son or daughter about to start driving? As a parent, that leaves you with a choice: What kind of car is best for your child? Of course, many parents don't help their children out with a car...