
Will Car Insurance Pay for Scratches?

Will Car Insurance Pay for Scratches?

Aug 20, 2020

Auto Insurance

Will Car Insurance Pay for Scratches?

Nobody likes seeing a scratch on their car. When your vehicle gets scratched, you may try to buff it out, but sometimes, the damage is much worse than what a little elbow grease can repair. As a result, you may wonder if you can get protection from your car coverage. Take a look at whether or not your auto insurance in Antioch, CA will cover your vehicle's repairs.


Car Insurance Coverage for Scratches


Certain scratches are covered by car insurance. The way in which your car gets scratches makes a big difference as to whether your auto insurance will help or not. Depending on how it gets damaged, your comprehensive, liability, or collision coverage will step up to cover the cost of repairs.


Comprehensive coverage may help. Comprehensive coverage covers unexpected car damages outside of accidents and collisions. Comprehensive coverage is optional in every state, so you may or may not have this coverage. If your car was keyed because of a vandal, a tree fell your vehicle, or a shopping cart ran into your car and scratched it, you can turn to this coverage to help with your repair costs.


Other incidents may be covered, such as you accidentally scraping the side of your car while backing out of the garage. Every situation is unique, so be sure to contact your insurance agent for more help and support in filing a claim.


If you don't know where the scratch came from, contact your insurer. In most cases, you can discuss the case with the insurance company's adjuster, and he or she can make an educated guess on the type of scratch based on its appearance. You may still be able to file a claim and receive compensation for repairs.


Ensure you have the right coverage ready for when the unexpected happens. Finding the right auto insurance for your needs doesn't have to be difficult. Talk to the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency to get started on your reliable coverage.


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