
Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips for Your Ghouls and Goblins

Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips for Your Ghouls and Goblins

Oct 24, 2017

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Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips for Your Ghouls and Goblins

Spooky steps on how to keep horror at bay this Halloween night.

Kids love Halloween night with the free candy, dressing up in costumes, and enjoying a night with their friends, it's easy enough to forget about precautions. Safety measures often fall by the wayside during the midst of selecting a costume, trick-or-treating, and enjoying sweets! However, parents, while Halloween is all fun and games, you don't want to end up with a mishap or kid catastrophe on the night.

Parents, ensure the safety of your children with these safety steps:

  • Opt for face paints: Masks can obstruct your child's breathing, and make it hard to see oncoming traffic or backing up vehicles. Choose non-toxic face paints instead.
  • Fitting costume: Choose a bright colored costume to make your child more visible in the dark, that there is no dragging material that could cause trips, and that all props are flexible and soft!
  • Illuminate the way: Add reflective tape to their bag or costume, and insist that your child carry a flashlight during the dark night. Add caution tape around the flashlight handle so that it fits with their costume!
  • Adult advisory: Any child under 12 should be accompanied by an adult whilst trick-or-treating. If your child is over 12 years of age, establish a pre-planned walking route and a curfew.
  • Walk the talk: Remind your child of road safety like looking left, right, left again before crossing the street, walking on sidewalks at all times, and crossing busy roads as designated crosswalks only.
  • Candy police: Inspect all candy before allowing your children to eat it. If your child is particularly excited, unwrap a few sweets for them so that they don't choke on the casing.

Jack Stone Insurance Agency wish you and your family a safe and happy Halloween night! For all of your California auto and home insurance needs in Antioch and surrounding cities, contact us today.

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