
The Home Repairs You Shouldn't Do Yourself

The Home Repairs You Shouldn't Do Yourself

Oct 19, 2017

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The Home Repairs You Shouldn't Do Yourself

These repairs aren't for the confident DIY-er. Call in a professional for these home issues.

Homeowners are always looking to save money. Whether it's upgrading to energy efficient appliances or bundling insurance coverage, there are many ways to save a few pennies here and there. However, there are certain tasks that homeowners should leave to the professionals. While the occasional DIY repair and proper maintenance is required, there are some home repair projects that need the experience and expertise of the licensed professional.

Asbestos Treatment
Asbestos is a mineral fiber that's used in a variety of building construction materials like insulation, ceiling, and floor tiles. Exposure to asbestos, which can come from the demolition of asbestos-containing materials) can be extremely dangerous, potentially leading to lung cancer and other serious diseases. Because of the high risk of exposure, the removal of these materials should always be done by trained and accredited asbestos professionals.

Roof Repairs
Roofing is a risky business, braving the heights and the elements. Even minor repairs should be done by the experts who have the right gear and experience to get the job done safely and correctly. In fact, doing it yourself may do more harm than good. Subpar roof work can lead to expensive repairs down the road. Roof work that's not done in accordance with local building codes or by a licensed professional may run the risk of voiding warranties that cover the materials being used in repair or replacement.

Electrical Issues
While you may think you've got the wires down and know what to do, there's a lot that can go wrong when working with electricals. Poor electrical work can be downright dangerous, resulting in shorting, electrocution, fires, and extremely costly repairs. Furthermore, electrical work done without a permit may invalidate your homeowners insurance coverage.

Even though you may love a bit of DIY, only choose projects that can be done safely and in accordance with the building codes in your local area. To further protect your home and belongings, secure homeowners insurance you can rely on! Contact the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency to get started on your tailored policy in Brentwood, Antioch or surrounding area in California.

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