
Fire to Food: Thanksgiving Home Safety Tips

Fire to Food: Thanksgiving Home Safety Tips

Nov 22, 2016

Articles Archives

Fire to Food: Thanksgiving Home Safety Tips

Thanksgiving Home SafetyHosting this year? Read up on Thanksgiving home safety essentials.

Thanksgiving is full of love and warmth of friendship. What happens when the warmth of the holidays become more literal, and a fire burns your holiday cheer? Thanksgiving Day is one of the top days for homeowners to turn their house into a burning inferno. During the midst of cooking, don't let safety fall by the wayside! With a few Thanksgiving home safety tips, you're able to keep your festivities in check.

If you're hosting and cooking this Thanksgiving, be sure to review these safety tips to avoid a smoking turkey, a kitchen on fire, or a child burning their finger!

  • Cooks - Don't wear any loose clothing or dangling sleeves. Wear an apron to protect your clothing.
  • Keep children away from the kitchen during the day.
  • Place anything that can catch fire - potholders, oven mitts, wooden utensils, away from the stove and oven.
  • Clean cooking surfaces regularly throughout the day to avoid grease buildup.
  • Purchase a fire extinguisher to keep in the kitchen.
  • Always check the kitchen before going to bed or leaving home.
  • Install smoke alarms near the kitchen, on each level of the home, and near sleeping areas. Use the test button to check it each month.
  • Keep children and pets away from candles.
  • Keep the floor clean, so you don't trip over toys, pocketbooks, and bags!
  • Deep-frying your turkey? Take extra caution and follow the safety guidelines to the ˜t.'

Thanksgiving dinner can turn into a threat to your home if an accident occurs. Take extra care this holiday to keep your friends, family, food, and home safe. Visit the Brentwood-local professionals at Jack Stone Insurance Agency to secure your needed homeowners insurance in California that will see you through the holidays and beyond!

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