
Someone Hit My Parked Car - What Should I Do Next?

Someone Hit My Parked Car - What Should I Do Next?

Aug 06, 2020

Auto Insurance

Someone Hit My Parked Car - What Should I Do Next?

It's a heart-sinking moment - walking back to your car to realize that someone has damaged it in some way. Whether they knocked their car door against it or reversed into the bumper before driving off, it's devastating to find your parked car is damaged. Fortunately, in most cases, your auto insurance in Antioch, CA can step in to help.


What to Do If Someone Hits Your Parked Car


Take down information. It's unlikely that you will see the incident occur, but if you do, collect as much information about the driver and car as possible. Write down what you see and any details about the car. If the person is still in the parking lot, talk to them calmly and obtain their insurance information.


Look for witnesses. If the vandal drove off, it's possible that someone saw what happened. Ask around to see if anyone steps forward. Write down their version of the events as well as their contact information.


Call the police. It may seem excessive to call the police if no one is injured, but it's best to let the police know what happened so that you have a report of it. This can then be used later on if necessary.


Tell your insurer. If you manage to talk to the offending driver, it's possible that their auto insurance will cover the damage expenses. However, if the driver cannot be found, you may be able to turn to your coverage for help. Your collision or uninsured motorist coverage may be able to step in to help cover the costs.


Work with your auto insurance agent to protect your vehicle - parked and moving. Finding the right auto insurance for your needs doesn't have to be difficult. Talk to the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency to get started on your reliable coverage.

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