
Should You Switch to Usage-Based Auto Insurance?

Should You Switch to Usage-Based Auto Insurance?

Nov 05, 2020

Articles Archives

Should You Switch to Usage-Based Auto Insurance?

If you find yourself driving less because of the pandemic or a change in lifestyle, you may be wondering how you can alter your car insurance in Antioch, CA to fit your new needs €“ and lower mileage. Usage-based insurance programs base your insurance rate on your driving and can provide a discount if you are a safe driver and drive fewer miles per year. Thanks to recent events, you may be looking into usage-based car insurance and wondering if you should switch. Here is what you need to know about this type of coverage.


Usage-Based Car Insurance


Your driving is measured. The whole point of usage-based car insurance is that your driving habits and mileage are very transparent to the insurer. Technology is used to measure and track your driving. That means an insurer will quickly find out if you drive safely. From here, they can reward good driving behaviors or give feedback to help drivers who are unsafe. If you choose to sign up for usage-based car insurance, you will need to install a small device in your vehicle that tracks your driving and sends the information back to the insurance agent.


There are discounts for low-mileage drivers. Perhaps you are working from home more often or are taking public transport instead. Either way, you may be driving fewer miles than previous years. With that in mind, you may find that usage-based insurance policies are more cost-effective for your new needs. Driving fewer miles isn't only a good way to save money on your insurance, but it can help make your car insurance cost less. Pay-per-mile programs offer the same coverage you find with traditional auto insurance policies, but your premiums are based on the number of miles you drive.


Should I Get Usage-Based Insurance?
Think about these factors before deciding to switch policies.

  • Consider your driving habits €“ The insurance agency will know how you drive when opting for a usage-based policy. If you're a safe driver, you may not have anything to worry about. You may even be able to save money on your premiums. However, if you have a tendency to drive at night (as many insurance companies consider daytime driving to be safer), you may not save much money, or any money at all.
  • Consider if you are comfortable with data collection. You may be able to secure cheaper auto insurance, but it does mean that the insurer will have a clear view of your driving habits. If you are uncomfortable with an agency knowing this private information, then this policy may not be right for you. If you choose to sign up to a usage-based program, make sure you know exactly what the plan monitors and who the company shares the data with.


Usage-based auto insurance can benefit a lot of drivers on the road, especially if they find themselves driving fewer miles this year than last. If you are unsure of whether you could benefit from this coverage, be sure to talk to your agent to learn more.


Finding the right auto insurance for your needs doesn't have to be difficult. Talk to the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency to get started on your reliable coverage. Serving Antioch and neighboring cities in California, we are ready to find the right coverage for you today.

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