
Is There a Thing as Too Much Auto Insurance?

Is There a Thing as Too Much Auto Insurance?

May 23, 2019

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Is There a Thing as Too Much Auto Insurance?

Finding the Right Amount of Auto Insurance

Finding the right car insurance is like Goldilocks's porridge. Sometimes policies will offer you too much coverage - far more than you may need. Others will only provide the bare minimum, which makes for a cheap policy but unreliable protection. Finding the perfect product can appear impossible - but it doesn't have to be. Here's what you should know about finding the right auto insurance in Antioch, CA for your needs.

Too Little Insurance

You know you need insurance so you decide to take out the minimum required limits in order to save money. The problem is, unfortunately, that a single accident can cause damages far beyond the minimum coverage amounts. If there's an accident, you can make a claim against your coverage. However, if your coverage is not enough, then you are on the hook to cover the remaining expenses, which could be well into the thousands of dollars. All it takes is one accident to exhaust your minimal coverage policy.

Too Much Insurance

The danger of too much insurance lies within the costs. Although your policy can probably cover any eventuality, you will likely be overpaying for it. You can increase your liability coverage, add on additional packages of all types, and increase your coverage limits as well. However, all of this under one policy may be unnecessary.

The Right Amount

There is no one-size-fits-all policy that is suitable for every motorist on the roads. You need to work with a trusted insurer to find a balance that fits your budget and needs. Your coverage options will depend on your lifestyle, vehicle, risks, and whether you own or lease the vehicle.

When it comes to protecting your vehicle and wallet, call the experts at Jack Stone Insurance Agency. We serve Brentwood, Antioch, and neighboring cities in California with reliable and comprehensive auto insurance policies. Open our auto insurance page in a new tab to read on!

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