
Home Security Technology: Keeping Your Ahead of the Burglars

Home Security Technology: Keeping Your Ahead of the Burglars

May 07, 2020

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Home Security Technology: Keeping Your Ahead of the Burglars

Stay Ahead of Burglars by Installing Smart Home Technology


Every homeowner looks for ways to deter burglars, from locking doors, removing hidden keys under plant pots, and installing floodlights that catch them in the act. In today's society, homeowners have access to the types of tools and systems that were once only available for celebrities and the wealthy. To better protect your home from some of the smartest tech on the market to homeowners insurance in Antioch, CA, read on.


Smart cameras and sensors

Installing cameras used to mean dealing with bulky equipment and yards of wiring. Today, cameras are unobtrusive, wireless, and capable of much more than previous models. Combined with floodlights and doorbells and use of motion activation, these packages are a comprehensive way to protect your property.


Keyless entry systems

Even items as basic as the locks on your doors can be upgraded to smart technology. A keyless entry system allows you to control when and to whom your door opens to. If you have service professional visiting your property, you no longer have to risk hiding a key outside. Instead, a keyless entry system allows you to remotely open the door or give him/her a temporary code for entry.


Home automation

Burglars thrive in the dark, which is why smart lights are the next big invention. With smart plugs and lights, you can switch lights on and off even when you're nowhere near the property. Light - as well as the TV and radio - can be powerful burglary deterrents as they suggest that someone is inside the house.


Of course, it's important to do all the non-tech techniques to keep your property safe, such as keeping valuables out of plain sight and locking doors and windows.


When you're ready to secure a quality homeowners insurance coverage, talk to the friendly experts at Jack Stone Insurance Agency. We serve Antioch, Brentwood, and surrounding cities in California. Contact us today to get started!


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