
Five Useful Tips for Driving Safely in the Dark

Five Useful Tips for Driving Safely in the Dark

Oct 15, 2019

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Five Useful Tips for Driving Safely in the Dark

Top Tips for Staying Safe While Driving at Night 

Driving at night is more dangerous than driving at any other time of day, so it's important to take extra care on the road. Now that fall is here and the nights are drawing in, it's important that you know how to safely commute in the dark. Along with securing reliable auto insurance in Antioch, CA, here are some tips to help!

  • Check your lights

Before setting off, make sure that all your car's lights are working properly. It is incredibly dangerous to drive in the dark with even one light burned out. Walk around your vehicle to check the signal light, taillights, and headlights.

  • Keep the windows clean

A seemingly clean windscreen in the day can become a smeared, distorted mess at night. Keeping all of your car windows clean (inside and outs) will help to reduce glare and improve visibility.

  • Use your lights appropriately

Turn on dipped headlights about an hour before sunset and keep them on an hour after sunrise to ensure you're always clearly visible to other road users. Only use your full beams when there is no one in front of you as this can dazzle them.

  • Don't stare at oncoming vehicles

Never look directly at the headlights of other cars as this can impact your vision. Look to the right-hand side of the road and follow the markings on the road if there are any. If the glare is so bad that you can't see anything, slow down but avoid stopping abruptly.

  • Look out for wildlife

As the days get shorter, wildlife may be roaming earlier. Keep scanning the road ahead of you to look for movement by the side of the road or any reflection of retinas that indicate an animal is ahead.

Make the most of the season by staying safe this fall with these fall driving tips!

These tips will help you to enjoy your autumnal journey. When it comes to protecting your vehicle and wallet, call the experts at Jack Stone Insurance Agency. We serve Brentwood, Antioch, and neighboring cities in California with reliable and comprehensive auto insurance policies. Open our auto insurance page in a new tab to read on!

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