
Car Seat Safety Tips All Parents Should Know

Car Seat Safety Tips All Parents Should Know

Oct 19, 2015

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Car Seat Safety Tips All Parents Should Know

Use these tips and your auto insurance Antioch, CA policy to keep your family safe on the road.

Car accidents are the leading cause of injury and death among children in the United States. While most people understand the life-saving abilities of seatbelts, many underestimate just how important the right car seat or booster seat is for children. Keep these three steps and your auto insurance Antioch, CA policy in place to help keep the smallest members of your family safe on the road.

  1. Choose an age-appropriate seat - rear facing child seats provide the most protection, so continue using a rear facing seat as long as possible. Children ages 4 to 7 years old are typically big enough to graduate to a forward-facing seat. From 8 to 12 years old, or when your child surpasses the weight restriction of their front facing seat, they should use a booster seat until they can safely sit with just a seat belt.
  2. Use the seat properly - even the most advanced car seat will not provide protection if it is not properly installed. All car seats should be secured at all anchor points, including the head rest. After buckling the seat in, tug on it. If the seat moves more than one inch, it is not properly installed.
  3. Always buckle up - ensuring that you always put on your seatbelt when you get into the car will help to set a good example for your children. Getting your kids in the habit of always wearing their seatbelt will help to keep them safe for their whole life.

Along with these car seat safety tips, carrying the right auto insurance Antioch, CA policy will keep you and your family safe on the road. Serving Antioch, Brentwood, and surrounding Northern California areas, contact Jack Stone Insurance Agency for all of your car insurance needs.

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