
Can I Remove My Spouse from My Car Insurance Policy?

Can I Remove My Spouse from My Car Insurance Policy?

Mar 19, 2020

Articles Archives

Can I Remove My Spouse from My Car Insurance Policy?

Removing a Driver From Your Auto Insurance Policy


Whether you're getting divorced, separating, or your spouse is simply taking out their own insurance policy, you may find yourself in a position where you need to remove someone from your auto insurance. Whatever your situation, we walk you through what to do when looking to remove your spouse from your car insurance in Antioch, CA quickly and effectively.


You cannot remove your spouse without their consent. To remove your spouse from car insurance, you must first be the primary named insured (PNI) so that you can make changes to the policy. If you're not the PNI, you can't remove another driver, but you can remove yourself from the policy and get a policy for yourself.


Your car insurance policy needs to list all drivers living at the same address. Most car insurers require you to list every insured driver living at your address, including roommates, spouses, and family members. If you and your spouse don't share the same home address, it's likely that you will need a separate auto insurance policy. If you continue to live at the same address, you can both purchase your own separate policy.


It's possible to exclude your spouse from your policy. There are certain cases where you can exclude a certain driver in your household, such as a roommate with a history of DUIs. If you want to exclude your spouse from your policy, you can call your insurer and discuss the next steps.


You may need signed confirmation. Because your spouse cannot be removed from your shared insurance policy without consent, you may need to ask them to sign some removal request paperwork. Without signed consent, the person paying for the policy will continue to pay for themselves and their not-yet-removed spouse.


Finding the right auto insurance for your needs doesn't have to be difficult. Talk to the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency to get started on your reliable coverage.

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