

Reasons Why a Car Insurance Company May Refuse to Insurance You

Sep 24, 2020

Reasons Why a Car Insurance Company May Refuse to Insurance You

Car insurance in Antioch, CA is something that must of us need, whether we use our vehicles once a week or commute fifty miles a day. While we often think of auto insurance as a necessary and easy coverage to acquire, the reality is that insurance companies reject certain drivers every day. A driver...

What If I'm Late With My Auto Insurance Payment?

Sep 17, 2020

What If I'm Late With My Auto Insurance Payment?

This year had a rough start. Even three-quarters of the way into the year and we are still feeling the effects of the pandemic that took the nation €“ and the world €“ by storm. In many cases, people have lost jobs, had to close their business, and have faced huge financial setbacks because of quarantining...

Common Reasons Why Your Home Insurance Claim Would Be Rejected

Sep 10, 2020

Common Reasons Why Your Home Insurance Claim Would Be Rejected

As a homeowner, you do a lot of things to ensure your home is safe. You lock the doors, clean out the gutters, test fire alarms monthly, and have the right homeowners insurance in Antioch, CA. Yet, when disaster strikes in the home, you go to file a claim and find out its been declined by your insurance...

Adopt These Good Driving Habits This Fall

Sep 03, 2020

Adopt These Good Driving Habits This Fall

The best part about living in California is that you don't have to contend with harsh winters every year. Although temperatures can get a little cold, they don't compare to other parts of the country. Fall is a pleasant time of year that allows us to enjoy the changing colors and shorter days. Even though...

Is Life Insurance Through Work Enough?

Aug 27, 2020

Is Life Insurance Through Work Enough?

Life insurance is a deeply personal financial decision. When you rely exclusively on group coverage through work, you miss the opportunity to tailor coverage to your personal needs. Although you may thank that you have life insurance coverage through work and, therefore, do not need to take out another...

3 Common (and Costly) Homeowner Mistakes

Aug 25, 2020

3 Common (and Costly) Homeowner Mistakes

Owning your own home is a joy. It's a place to grow as a family and is yours to decorate as you please. Yet, with homeownership comes some mighty responsibilities. Looking after a building that is yours calls for regular maintenance and quality protection. To help keep your home in good stead, take a...

Will Car Insurance Pay for Scratches?

Aug 20, 2020

Will Car Insurance Pay for Scratches?

Nobody likes seeing a scratch on their car. When your vehicle gets scratched, you may try to buff it out, but sometimes, the damage is much worse than what a little elbow grease can repair. As a result, you may wonder if you can get protection from your car coverage. Take a look at whether or not your...

4 Smart Reasons to Buy Life Insurance in Your 30s

Aug 18, 2020

4 Smart Reasons to Buy Life Insurance in Your 30s

Juggling work, home life, a social life, chores, and more, it's possible that even the most organized people let life insurance in Antioch, CA fall by the wayside. It's easy to ignore this coverage until you are married, have kids, and a stable career. Yet, all too often, people overlook obtaining this...

What New Homeowners Should Do Within the First Year of Moving In

Aug 11, 2020

What New Homeowners Should Do Within the First Year of Moving In

There's little that compares to the feeling of getting keys to your new home - A property that is yours to decorate to your tastes and enjoy with your family. But before you start hanging the artwork and planning a housewarming party, there are a few things that all new homeowners should do within the...

Someone Hit My Parked Car - What Should I Do Next?

Aug 06, 2020

Someone Hit My Parked Car - What Should I Do Next?

It's a heart-sinking moment - walking back to your car to realize that someone has damaged it in some way. Whether they knocked their car door against it or reversed into the bumper before driving off, it's devastating to find your parked car is damaged. Fortunately, in most cases, your auto insurance...

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