
Who's Covered to Drive Your Vehicle?

Who's Covered to Drive Your Vehicle?

Feb 22, 2018

Articles Archives

Who's Covered to Drive Your Vehicle?

Can Someone Else Drive My Car?

Handing over your keys to another, even for a quick trip, can be tough. While you may not want to give up control of your vehicle and your perfectly adjusted mirrors, the real concern should be if he or she is covered by your auto insurance in Antioch, CA. If you're confused about who does and doesn't get the benefit of auto coverage when they take the wheel of your car, you're not alone. Read on for more information!

Does my car insurance policy cover someone else?

  • Immediate family

People living in the same house typically enjoy the car insurance coverage of whoever's ride they're using. While laws can fluctuate state to state, your spouse and children (as long as they have a valid driver's license) should be covered.

  • Extended family

If your aunt, grandpa, or another relative wants to borrow your vehicle while visiting, they are usually covered by your policy thanks to permissive use. Permissive use means that if you give someone permission to use your ride, they can typically fall under your vehicle's auto policy. Just make sure they have a valid license. If he or she is going to using your vehicle for several weeks, your insurer might want them to be added to your policy before they drive your vehicle.

  • Friends

Permissive use typically covers friends who use your wheels once in a while. If you and your friends take it in turns to drive on a road trip, they'll likely fall under those who are covered. However, they may not get the same coverage amounts, meaning that they face lower liability limits.

Are you looking to renew a policy or simply take out a policy for your new vehicle? Visit the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency to secure reliable auto insurance for your needs.

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