
What to Do If Your Spring Break Plans Are Interrupted by a Travel Advisory

What to Do If Your Spring Break Plans Are Interrupted by a Travel Advisory

Apr 07, 2020

Articles Archives

What to Do If Your Spring Break Plans Are Interrupted by a Travel Advisory

Handling Travel Warnings 

There's no doubt that the spread of the coronavirus has caused a lot of travel disruption. If you were planning a trip away, it may be a good idea to reconsider traveling. There may even be warnings out for you not to travel.


Guidance from health agencies has warned people to be cautious about any international travel, but no official restrictions have been placed on domestic travel as yet.


But if you have to travel€”for work or otherwise€”you can take precautions outlined by all health agencies, such as washing your hands and keeping away from crowds as much as possible. Traveling means navigating large crowds so it is essential that you maintain good hygiene practices to prevent catching harmful germs.


If you're planning on traveling, be sure to reference the CDC's communication resources for travelers. This information can help you decide on whether to travel and how to stay safe when on the move.


Stay up to date with the spread of the disease by tracking it through the John Hopkins interactive map.


From all of the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency, we hope you and your family stay safe. For all of your personal and commercial insurance needs, contact us today.

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