
FAQs About Umbrella Insurance in Antioch, CA

FAQs About Umbrella Insurance in Antioch, CA

Jun 07, 2016

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FAQs About Umbrella Insurance in Antioch, CA

FAQs About Umbrella Insurance in Antioch, CAStumped on how umbrella insurance in Antioch, CA works? Read on.

Umbrella insurance is designed to extend the limits of your personal liability coverage beyond what your auto, home, and watercraft insurance policies provide. It's Sod's law: when it rains, it pours, and when you exceed the amount of liability limits on your policies, it's bound to go above and beyond what you can afford. This is a less-than-ideal situation for your family as well as your finances.

This is where umbrella insurance can ˜cover' you from the ˜harsh forecast'! If you're still wrapping your head around this coverage, check out these FAQs for all that you need to know!

I have car and home insurance. Why do I need umbrella insurance?
As previously mentioned, umbrella insurance picks up where auto, homeowners, and boat liability policies leave off. It provides coverage for liability, as well as some personal injury claims, such as libel, slander, and invasion of privacy.

What are the different limits offered in a policy?
Depending on the insurer, general umbrella insurance coverage can range from $1 million to $5 million so that you are completely covered!

Who is covered by my umbrella policy, and where?
Most umbrella policies will provide protection for you and the resident relatives of your household - anywhere in the world!

Does umbrella insurance include business or professional coverage?
No, but you can purchase commercial umbrella insurance for your professional liability needs.

How much coverage do I need?
As with any insurance policy, the amount that you need greatly depends on your individual risk and current coverages. Talk to your insurer to find out the right limits!

To secure the most reliable and most suitable umbrella insurance in Antioch, CA or the surrounding cities for you and your needs, talk to an insurance expert at Jack Stone Insurance Agency. Contact us today in Antioch, California for all of your insurance needs.

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