
Tips on How to Handle a Car Accident

Tips on How to Handle a Car Accident

Oct 26, 2017

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Tips on How to Handle a Car Accident

Keep calm and learn how to handle a car accident. 

Car accidents can be frightening, whatever the circumstance. Whether you braced for the impact or just tapped the car in front, you can step out of the car feeling flustered. Instead of having to Google what to do in the aftermath of an accident, read on for everything that you need to do if you've been involved in an accident.

Pull over. If you can, pull over to the side of the road where you aren't going to cause more accidents or traffic in the middle of the road. If the accident was severe, this option may not be possible.

Check the people. If anyone in your car or involved vehicles require immediate medical attention, call 911 and request police and ambulance services.

Exchange information. Gather the other driver's information, from contact details, driving license number, license plate, and insurance information. From here, you can alert your insurance company that you were involved in an accident and the severity of the damage.

Record everything. If you can, take pictures of the damage on your phone. This will help the insurance company settle a claim. In addition, get copies of police reports and notate the officer's names who arrive at the scene. If any eyewitnesses stopped, gather their contact details.

Start the claim. If the damage is severe and you need to file a claim, work with your insurer to provide all of the details and information required. Depending on the severity of the damage, you may be asked to submit an estimate for the necessary vehicle repairs.

In the aftermath of a car accident, while it may seem impossible, it's essential to keep a level head and stay calm!

While this process can be difficult to get through, a good insurance company will make it as easy and as smooth as possible. For quality comprehensive car insurancecontact Jack Stone Insurance Agency in Southern California.

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