
Tips for Managing Your Anxiety During Coronavirus

Tips for Managing Your Anxiety During Coronavirus

May 21, 2020

Articles Archives

Tips for Managing Your Anxiety During Coronavirus

Hope to be Okay in a World That Isn't


If your anxiety is sky high right now, know that you're not alone. The coronavirus pandemic is affecting everything in our lives, from our work to our social interactions to our weekly grocery shop. Things are changing at a rapid pace that we may not always know what to expect next. To help you ease through periods of anxiety throughout this time, read on.


Create a schedule

Your daily routine may be disrupted in a number of ways. You may even slowly be trying to get back into your routine. If things are changing, the lack of structure may cause you to feel even more anxious. Every night, sit down and create a schedule for the following day. Remember to incorporate healthy activities into your day.


Limit your exposure to social media and the news

When you're feeling anxious, the last place you should go is a social media site or turn on the news. Consuming too much media can cause you to feel even more panicked and overwhelmed. While it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest news about the virus, limit your exposure to just a few minutes at the start or end of the day.


Maintain social support

Even if you can't visit friends and family just yet, you can stay connected to them via FaceTime, texting, group video calls, and more. When you're starting to feel anxiety rising, pause to take a moment and turn to a trusted loved one for support. Talking to other people - even through phones or computers - can help you to feel more at ease in the situation.


Let us know if you have any coping strategies during this time. For all of your personal and commercial insurance needs, contact the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency.

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