
Tips for a Safe Fourth of July Weekend

Tips for a Safe Fourth of July Weekend

Jul 01, 2020

Articles Archives

Tips for a Safe Fourth of July Weekend

This Fourth of July may be unlike any other we have experienced. Amid the coronavirus and civil unrest, Independence Day falls over a weekend, leaving plenty of opportunity to do something different. To help you enjoy this day safely, take a look at these safety tips.


Independence Day Safety  Tips


Lock up your home. If you're going to be attending an event, be sure to double-check that the windows and doors are all closed and locked. Don't make it easy for thieves to enter your home by leaving a key outside of your home or a window unlocked. Move valuables away from the windows that may catch the eye of a thief.


Protect your pet. Fireworks are notoriously frightening for animals. To help your pet, ensure they stay inside the house from the afternoon onwards, turning on the TV or radio for them to drown out the loud bangs. If they get outside, they may shoot off and look for a safe place, so it's best to stay indoors with them all evening.


Leave fireworks to the professionals. Although you may be tempted to create your own firework show, it's a good idea to leave it to the professionals to avoid accident and injury. Fireworks cause not only home fires but bad burns and injuries to humans and animals. Take a look at what your local community is doing for 4th of July celebrations and watch the professional show instead.


These tips can help you and your family stay safe over the Independence Day weekend. From all of the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency, we hope you have a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July! For all of your personal and commercial insurance needs, contact us today.

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