
Start Saving On Your Car Insurance With This Discount

Start Saving On Your Car Insurance With This Discount

Oct 30, 2015

Articles Archives

Start Saving On Your Car Insurance With This Discount

Low mileage discount to lower the cost of your car insurance Antioch, CA policy.

The best way to start saving money on your car insurance Antioch, CA policy is to look for discounts. While there are many well-known discounts, such as a good driver discount, there are some that are not so common, such as a low mileage discount. Make sure to ask about the low mileage discount with your car insurance Antioch, CA policy to ensure that you are paying the right price for your coverage.

If you are only putting a couple thousand miles on your car each year because you walk to work or carpool with your spouse, you may be able to start enjoying a much lower auto insurance bill. California drivers who only drive around 5,000 miles each year can benefit from more than a 16 percent discount on their auto insurance premiums.

The main reason that people who do not drive very often are able to benefit from a discount is because they are much less likely to be involved in an accident. The less you are on the road, the lower your chance of being involved in an accident is. Car insurance Antioch, CA companies reward less risky drivers because they are less likely to cost the company money from a claim.

Keep in mind that the number of miles that you drive each year is not the only deciding factor of your auto insurance rates. Your car insurance company will also take a look at your driving record and the number of years that you have been a licensed driver.

For all of your Northern California auto insurance needs, contact the insurance professionals at Jack Stone Insurance Agency. Serving Antioch, Brentwood, and surrounding California areas, we can help with all of your insurance coverage needs to keep you safe on and off the roads.

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