
How to Shut Off Utilities in an Emergency

How to Shut Off Utilities in an Emergency

Dec 21, 2017

Articles Archives

How to Shut Off Utilities in an Emergency

Understand how to shut off utilities quickly in the event of an emergency.

With storm season upon us, it's important for homeowners to be prepared. In case of a disaster of any type, it may be necessary to learn how to shut off utilities to avoid further damage to your family or your home.

Natural Gas

It's wise to be familiar with the look and sound of your gas meter under everyday conditions, as this will help to determine what is unusual. Ensure that you also know where the shut-off valve is located. Because of different homes and different gas meter configurations, shut-off procedures vary. However, it is likely that you'll need an adjustable pipe or crescent wrench to perform the task.

Contact your gas company in advance to help you determine what your home requires, along with the procedure to shut off the gas. It may be a good idea to have easy-to-read instructions somewhere near the gas meter. If you smell gas or hear a hissing noise, get everyone out of your house immediately and contact your gas company.


The water line that enters your home will likely have an easily recognizable shut-off value. It will likely be in the basement, on an exterior wall or near your water meter. Shut it off by turning the valve clockwise until it can't turn anymore. If you have trouble, contact a local plumber or your area water utility for assistance. Consider labeling the water valve with a colored identification tab to ensure the right valve is clear.


Electrical sparks have the potential of igniting natural gas if it is leaking. To shut off the electricity, locate your electrical circuit box, and flip the ˜main' circuit breaker located inside the electrical panel (this is usually at the top).

Knowing how to locate and turn off the utilities in your home can stand you in good stead in the event of an emergency. Find the right protection for your home by securing homeowners insurance in Antioch. Contact the California experts, Jack Stone Insurance Agency for all of your insurance needs in Antioch and surrounding cities.

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