
Should I Stay on My Parent's Auto Insurance If I Move Out?

Should I Stay on My Parent's Auto Insurance If I Move Out?

Jan 29, 2019

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Should I Stay on My Parent's Auto Insurance If I Move Out?

How Long Can I Stay on My Parents' Car Insurance?

If you are a young adult still on your parents' auto insurance in Antioch, CA, you might be wondering when you'll need to get your own policy. If you are planning on moving out soon, be aware that the time is nigh. Generally, you should get your own insurance policy if you will be living somewhere else.

Unlike other types of insurance, there is no mandated cutoff age for kids to get off their parents' car insurance. The important part to note, however, is that car insurance is sold per household. Everyone in the household is insured and can drive the cars in the home. Once you move out, you are no longer part of your parents' household, and so you'll need to get your own insurance policy.

However, auto insurance isn't so cut and dry. In other words, there are caveats. If you are considered a dependent, you can stay on your parents' auto insurance. The tricky part to this is that insurance companies may define œdependent in slightly different ways. Generally, you are considered a dependent if:

  • You attend college and live at home - at least part-time
  • You drive a car that your parents own and insure

If you still live at home and buy a car of your own, you will need to take our your own car insurance.

Are you ready to find your own coverage? Talk to the professionals at Jack Stone Insurance Agency who are here to help. We provide quality car insurance for your needs in Antioch, Brentwood, and neighboring cities in CA.

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