
How to Safely Light a Fire

How to Safely Light a Fire

Nov 02, 2017

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How to Safely Light a Fire

Read up on these Antioch fire safety tips for the coming season.

The winter temperatures may force you to turn on your heater or light your fireplace, but remembering certain safety facts can go a long way in protecting yourself and your property. As the temperatures drop outside, it's only natural for homeowners to want to make their home cozy and warm.

On a cold winter's night, you may be tempted to light your fire in your fireplace. Before you begin, check out these tips.

What You Need:

  • Extra-long wooden safety strike matches
  • Kindling (dry)
  • Newspaper sheets
  • Seasoned hardwood, split into even logs
  • Grate
  • Screen
  • Utensils such as poker, tongs, shovel, and brush
  • Ash bucket with a lid

How to Light a Fire

  1. Place two medium-sized pieces of firewood on the metal grate.
  2. Crumple a couple of sheets of newspaper in between the two pieces of firewood. Cover the paper with kindling.
  3. Place one or two more pieces of firewood on top of the other logs. Leave enough space for sufficient ventilation.
  4. Check that the fireplace damper (vent) is fully open.
  5. Twist a single sheet of newspaper and light it while holding it as high up as possible in the fireplace.
  6. Slowly light the kindling with the burning paper.
  7. Once the fire is established, add firewood as needed.

It's important to remember to never use flammable liquids to start a fire, to not allow the fire to get too big for the chimney or fireplace, and to remove anything flammable away from the fireplace. Now is also a wise time to secure homeowners insurance. This coverage can protect your home from fire damage.

Find the right protection for your home by securing homeowners insurance in Antioch. Contact the California experts, Jack Stone Insurance Agency for all of your insurance needs in Antioch and surrounding cities.

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