
Enjoy Your Summer With Slow Cooker Salmon

Enjoy Your Summer With Slow Cooker Salmon

May 27, 2015

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Enjoy Your Summer With Slow Cooker Salmon

Recipes Antioch CASave Time, Boost Flavor With This Crockpot Recipe

As the weather warms and the days get longer, the last thing you want to be is trapped in the kitchen, slaving away over tonight's dinner. What other choice do you have, though? Since many crock pot recipes are heavy, you may think you have to retire your slow cooker this summer. Fortunately, with this chardonnay salmon recipe you can leave the work to your crock pot, letting you enjoy the changing seasons! To make it, you will need.

  • 2 pounds of wild salmon fillet, skinned
  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 2 cups of chardonnay
  • 1 bulb of fennel, sliced
  • 1 small red onion, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon of capers
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt

Fold a large (about three feet long) piece of aluminum foil lengthwise so it is just larger than the salmon fillet. Place the foil in your slow cooker with the foil hanging over the ends.

Pour the chardonnay and orange juice into the slow cooker. Add in the fennel, onion, capers, and salt and mix to combine. Then lay the salmon over the foil and on top of these ingredients. Set your crock pot to high heat and let cook for 45 minutes. After that time has elapsed, pull at the salmon with a fork. If the salmon flakes off easily, it is done. If not, check it every 5 minutes until it does flake. When done, gently lift out the tin foil with the salmon.

This salmon is perfect on top of your favorite summer salad, over couscous, or on its own.

We hope you enjoy this tasty recipe! For all of your California coverage needs, contact Jack Stone Insurance Agency. We are here to help you get the Antioch insurance you need to enjoy the warmer weather with peace of mind.

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