
Friday Night Movies in the Park in Brentwood

Friday Night Movies in the Park in Brentwood

Apr 12, 2016

Articles Archives

Friday Night Movies in the Park in Brentwood

Movies in the Park in BrentwoodBring your little one to enjoy this movie in your local park!

If you're looking for an event to take your children to, and you want to get them out in the fresh air, then Movie in the Park offers the perfect opportunity! The Disney film œInside Out will be shown as the spring flick on Friday, April 15th. Bring your lawn chair, a picnic dinner, and enjoy the film, beginning at 7:05 p.m. This event brings a night of fun with the family, kids, or just a cute date night!

This movie is rated PG and the run time is 95 minutes. This cute flick is about a young girl named Riley who is uprooted from her Midwest life and moved to San Francisco. Her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness, are personified and conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house, school, and friends. This is a truly inspirational and thought-provoking film that anyone can connect to!

Get down to City Park, 710 Second Street, Brentwood, CA, 94513 this Friday to enjoy this film! Find out more information about this event here.

From the insurance professionals at Jack Stone Insurance Agency, we hope that you enjoy this Movie in the Park! To secure all of your Antioch and Brentwood, California insurance needs locally, contact us today!

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