
Money Advice For Recent Graduates

Money Advice For Recent Graduates

May 25, 2015

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Money Advice For Recent Graduates

What You Need To Know About Your Finances

Whether you recently graduated from college or are just about to, we want to say congratulations! You have just completed a crucial part of setting yourself up for success, and are well on your way to adulthood. You are also just entering a new season of life, and may be feeling a bit uncertain about what it will bring. To help you get at least one aspect of your new situation in order, we would like to offer you this need-to-know money advice.

  • Finances Are Personal: It is called personal finance for a reason. While it behooves you to learn basic financial principles, do not force yourself to adhere to every single one. Instead, give yourself some grace as you are starting out to discover what works best for you.
  • Start Saving: That being said, do not assume that figuring out your financial situation allows you to be careless with your money. In fact, when you are just getting started out is the best time to be extra thoughtful. By beginning your retirement savings now, you can get a lot down the road for the little you put in today.
  • Open Up: Your financial situation will affect your personal life, so why cordon it off? Talk to your parents, partner, and friends about finance and you can learn lots of helpful tips that will apply to your real world experience.

One of the biggest mistakes new graduates make is skimping on insurance coverage, exposing themselves to the risk of one unforeseen incident financially capsizing them. To learn about the insurance you need to put in place to protect yourself, contact Jack Stone Insurance Agency. We have experience helping people in Antioch and surrounding cities get the safeguards they need at the price they can afford, so call us today!

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