
Learn How You Can Safely Share the Road with Motorcycles

Learn How You Can Safely Share the Road with Motorcycles

Mar 22, 2018


Learn How You Can Safely Share the Road with Motorcycles

Try out these suggestions to stay safe as you drive near motorcyclists.

With spring officially here, you should expect temperatures to heat up. Warmer weather means that you should expect to see more motorcycles on the road. While it's a motorcyclist's responsibility to take safety precautions, as a driver, you should also take steps to ensure their safety. Here's how you can safely share the road with motorcyclists.

  • Safely Change Lanes

    While you should always be careful as you change lanes, you need to be especially vigilant when there are motorcycles on the road. This is because a motorcycle can easily slip into your blind spot without you even realizing it. To avoid getting into a collision as you change lanes, make sure you look three ways before making your lane change. You should check your rear view and side mirrors and look over your shoulder to ensure that you are in the clear.

  • Use Your Signals

    Most motorcyclists are defensive riders and they carefully watch other drivers to anticipate what they will do. That's why you should always be sure to use your signal lights to indicate your intentions. This will give motorcyclists enough time to react to your actions and adjust their riding behaviors accordingly.

  • Share the Road

    While many drivers find it irritating, sometimes motorcyclists have no choice but to split lanes. Some bikes can overheat at slower speeds, so riders have no choice but to split lanes when faced with heavy traffic. If you see a motorcyclist attempting this maneuver, don't take it personally and attempt to block them. If possible, shift over in your lane to give them enough room to safely pass.

Take these precautions to safely share the road with motorcyclists.  Want another way to stay safe as you drive? Then make sure you have the proper auto insurance protections in place. To find the right policies for you, contact the experts at Reata Insurance Group.  Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with all your insurance needs.

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