
Lead By Example Behind The Wheel

Lead By Example Behind The Wheel

Dec 31, 2014

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Lead By Example Behind The Wheel

Attractive young woman in a car fastens seat beltYour Driving Habits May Be Affecting Your Teen

Most adults know the feeling- that child you used to hold on your lap is about to turn sixteen. You may not be able to picture them behind the wheel, but soon that vision will become a reality. Are you nervous yet? If you are a safe driver, you should not be.

We know that insurance premiums go up when adding a young driver, and insurance companies have learned to charge that higher number with a teen driver on the policy after years of evidence pointing to teenagers being less safe behind the wheel. Recent studies, though, are beginning to reveal that it may not just be their teenage nature causing the risky roadway behavior. The driving styles of the adults that teenagers watch while learning to drive directly affect their own habits in the driver's seat.

You may think your teen is too engrossed in their iPhone to observe you behind the wheel, but a shockingly high number of young adults report that they have seen their parents calling, texting, and even under the influence while driving.

We could offer you a number of tips for encouraging safe driving in your teen, but you likely already know how to be heartening and thoughtful in your instruction. After all, you have raised them the last fifteen years! Rather than putting your young driver under a microscope, take a moment to consider how your own driving reflects a commitment to safety. You may be shocked how often you engage in the habits about which you warn your teenaged driver.

To get the best auto insurance policy, contact Jack Stone Insurance Agency in Brentwood, California. We will get you the coverage you need at the price you deserve. Our team of agents understands that adding a young driver can be a bit frightening and is here to guide you in the process.

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