
What Should You Keep in Your Home Safe?

What Should You Keep in Your Home Safe?

Sep 14, 2016

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What Should You Keep in Your Home Safe?

Keep in Your Home SafeItems to keep in your home safe, rather than at the bank.

When asking homeowners where the safest place to keep items is, many understandably say a bank security box; after all, banks have the best 24-hour security and alarm systems. What is safer than that, right? Despite the high level of security, some items are better kept in your home safe.

For some situations, you may require immediate access to documents, and bank safe deposit boxes are only accessible during the branch's operating hours. When you need your Social Security number pronto, waiting until Monday morning is less than ideal. Before you drop all of your important documents off at the bank, here are seven items that you should keep your home safe.

  1. Insurance policies and your agent's contact information. You'll need this info straight away if you need to file a claim.
  1. Family medical information, and contacts of doctors and pharmacies. If an emergency occurs, you can't wait until the bank opens to know your family's health information.
  1. Passports, original birth certificates, and Social Security cards. Personal information should be kept close to home - preferably in the home's safe.
  1. Safe deposit box keys. If you store valuables in a bank safe deposit box, you'll want to keep the keys in your home safe.
  1. Tax documents and tax returns from the past six to seven years. You may need to know important tax information quickly
  1. Heirloom and other valuables. Store high-valuable items, such as jewelry and watches, so that they are in easy reach when they need to be.
  1. Computer backup disks or drives. In case you need information in a pinch, they are in your home's safe!

Are your valuables stored safely away in your home? If so, now is the time to update your homeowners' insurance coverage! Give the industry professionals at call at Jack Stone Insurance Agency to secure the right policy for your home in Antioch or surrounding areas of California.

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