
How You Can Live and Work From Home During COVID-19

How You Can Live and Work From Home During COVID-19

May 12, 2020

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How You Can Live and Work From Home During COVID-19

Handling Working From Home During the Pandemic


Chances are, you or someone you know is facing the reality of working from home as a way to stop the spread of COVID-19. Self-quarantine is one of the best ways to flatten the curve and take pressure off the healthcare services during an outbreak. To help you manage and make your days productive, take a look at these useful tips on how to live and work from home.


Set up a home office

If you're lucky enough to have a spare room or a dedicated home office, you're off to a good start. If not, you may need to get creative. Look for a low-traffic area in your home with easy access to power outlets, good lighting, and a flat surface for your laptop. Avoid working in the bedroom or in front of the TV as that can make it harder to stay focused.


Set a schedule

Working from home may make it very tempting to finally tackle one of those projects you've been putting off, such as spring cleaning, painting, or even doing the laundry. To help manage your time, set a schedule and stick to it. Write out the time you'll start work, take a lunch break, and finish work. The more you act like you're still at work, the better you'll be able to focus and get things done.


Stay in touch

If your job involves a lot of meetings, you may already use video conferencing software like Zoom or Skype. If not, it may be a good time to start. Video conferencing is a great way to connect face-to-face when you can't meet in person, and it helps to alleviate some of the feelings of social isolation.


We hope that these tips help you to live and work from home successfully. For all of your personal and commercial insurance needs, contact the team at Jack Stone Insurance Agency.

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