
How to Prepare Your Home for Incoming Storms

How to Prepare Your Home for Incoming Storms

Sep 10, 2019

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How to Prepare Your Home for Incoming Storms

Protect Your Home From Storms

With the fall season comes inclement weather. Not only do the temperatures start to drop, but rain and wind can create damaging storms. Even in California, homeowners should prepare their properties for the worst. Take a look at a few of our tips to help get your home ready.

  • Keep supplies handy. Dedicate storage for a three-day supply of water, canned foods, first aid kit, flashlights, blankets, your pet's food and belongings, and any other essentials.
  • Unplug electronics. Even if you have a surge protector, the best way to protect your electrical items is to unplug them from the socket.
  • Check for leaks. Check doors, windows, walls, and areas where cables and pipes enter for leaks that could allow water to enter and damage your property. Seal any cracks up as necessary.
  • Tend to the yard. Bring loose items inside. Toys, patio furniture, and plant pots should be moved inside so that they cannot be damaged in a storm.
  • Prune trees. Weak and diseased branches can get snapped off in high winds, essentially turning into flying debris. Now is the time to prune trees back and remove dying branches.
  • Clean the gutters. If there's a large amount of rain, you will want to be sure that your gutters can handle it. Clear out the dirt and debris, remembering to position the downspouts away from the home's foundation.
  • Verify insurance coverage. Check your homeowners insurance policy to ensure you have optimum coverage. For flood protection, consider purchasing additional coverage through the National Flood Insurance Program.

When it comes to finding the right coverage, call the experts at Jack Stone Insurance Agency. We serve Brentwood, Antioch, and neighboring cities in California with reliable and comprehensive auto insurance policies. Open our auto insurance page in a new tab to read on!

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