
Straighten Up: How to Improve Your Posture

Straighten Up: How to Improve Your Posture

Aug 22, 2017

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Straighten Up: How to Improve Your Posture

Sitting up straight to improve your posture is half the battle - here are the exercises to help!

A straight spine is essential to lifelong wellness, alongside eating right and exercising. Remember all the times that your parents and teachers told you to sit up straight? Well, they were onto something.

Correct posture aligns everything in your body. Bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons are all able to function optimally when you sit up or stand straight. A person who slumps or slouches may find that the habit affects their ability to digest food, have difficulty breathing, or may experience aches and pains. Ouch. These poor habits create bigger physical problems so it's important to use these exercises that will stretch, loosen, and improve your posture! 

When it comes to how to have good posture, a strong core is key. The classic plank is a good way to exercise all of the muscles at once. Even better, several variations on the plank exist so it's easy to switch things up for more of a challenge!

Crunch with a twist at the top
This move works your abs and obliques. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head and lift your torso up with your abs, rotating at the top. Lower your back to the floor, come up again, and twist to the other side.

Back extensions
When you're learning how to improve posture, it's necessary to strengthen your back with this exercise. Lie face down and extend your arms straight above your head. Keeping your head in line with your spine, gently lift your shoulders as far off the floor as possible, then return to the starting position. Doing these slowly and for longer will reap the best effects on your back.

Shoulder rolls
Proper sitting posture is important for everyone - especially those that sit at a desk all day! Shoulder rolls can be done while sitting or standing. Inhale and raise your shoulders toward your ears. Hold for a few seconds before exhaling and pulling your shoulder blades down and together. Repeat at least ten times, two times a day!

From the insurance professionals at Jack Stone Insurance Agency, we hope that you improve your posture with these tips! For all of your insurance needs, visit us today.

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