
My House Got Broken Into - Now What?

My House Got Broken Into - Now What?

Oct 16, 2018

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My House Got Broken Into - Now What?

What to Do After a Home Burglary

There's no denying that having your house broken into is shocking and emotionally taxing. Your home is your safe space, and it holds your most valuable belongings. If you were burgled, there are a few things you need to do right away to make sure the process is done properly and to prevent future incidents. Along with filing a claim through your homeowners insurance in Antioch, CA, here's what to do after a burglary.

Don't touch anything. When you find your home has been vandalized and your belongings are gone, cancel whatever plans you had and get your camera out. Take as many photos as possible of the damage and save them where they won't get deleted. These pictures can prove useful when you've contacted the police and your insurer. At this stage, it is best not to move anything.

Consult footage. If you've got a security system, look at the footage from the break-in. Ideally, you'll have footage of the perpetrators' faces, which will make them easier to identify and prosecute.

File a victim's report. Call the police immediately. When they arrive, they will be able to survey your home and may even be able to determine how to burglars got in if you don't know already. Additionally, they will help you fill out a victim's report so that the incident goes on file.

File an insurance claim. Take a copy of the police report to your home insurance company as soon as possible. You'll also need to pull your home inventory list to notify the insurer what items were stolen or damaged. After you fill out an insurance claim, your insurance agency should send a claims adjuster to your home to investigate the break-in. Until then, do as little as possible to tamper with the scene!

Take measures to protect your property better. Once your claim has been filed and you are rebuilding your home again, think about improving the security of your home. Cameras, door bolts, alarms, and more can help your property stay safe and reduce to risk of a repeat incident.

At Jack Stone Insurance Agency, we understand how upsetting getting burgled can be, which is why we try to make the claims process as easy as possible. To find reliable homeowners insurance that protects your home and belongings, call us today. Please open our links in a new tab to continue enjoying our content!

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