
Hacks for Staying Cool on Summer Roads

Hacks for Staying Cool on Summer Roads

Jul 16, 2019

Articles Archives

Hacks for Staying Cool on Summer Roads

Tips for Enjoying Safe Driving in High Temperatures 

Summer is here and the temperatures are steadily climbing. If you're someone who makes frequent, long journeys, driving in hot weather can be tiresome and uncomfortable. On a 90-degree day, the temperature inside a vehicle can quickly rise another 20 degrees in just the first 10 minutes. To ensure that you have a safe and comfortable journey on the roads this summer, take a look at these tips.

  • Park in the shade if possible
  • If you need to park in the sun, park with the car facing away from the sun. The rear window is smaller, which lets in less light than the front
  • Put a sunshade in the windshield when parked in the sun
  • Open the windows for the first few minutes when you enter your car to let the buildup of heat escape
  • Bring a towel to sit on if you have hot leather or vinyl seats
  • Take care to not touch the metal part of the seat belt as you can burn yourself
  • Rear seats can be warmer than the front seats. When carrying passengers, ensure they are getting enough airflow in the back of the car
  • When carrying children or pets, bring plenty of water and snacks. Plan to stop more often to tend to them
  • Never ever leave pets or children in the vehicle unattended. Even if you're popping out for a moment, take your pet or child with you

Summer driving doesn't have to be difficult and uncomfortable! These tips will help you to enjoy your summer journey. When it comes to protecting your vehicle and wallet, call the experts at Jack Stone Insurance Agency. We serve Brentwood, Antioch, and neighboring cities in California with reliable and comprehensive auto insurance policies. Open our auto insurance page in a new tab to read on!

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