
Go Green to Help Your Home Insurance in Antioch, CA

Go Green to Help Your Home Insurance in Antioch, CA

Apr 22, 2016

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Go Green to Help Your Home Insurance in Antioch, CA

Go Green to Help Your Home Insurance in Antioch, CAEconomical ways to help save the environment and money on your home.

This April 22nd marks the 45th anniversary of the first Earth Day, aimed to boost awareness about the environment, and encourage others to turn green in their habits and home.

Going green isn't as tough as you think! Simple changes can make an enormous impact on the environment to reduce your carbon footprint, better the planet, and encourage others to do the same!

You don't have to go broke by going green. Here are some tips to go green in your home!


  • Turn off electronics instead of putting them to sleep. They will still suck up energy when left on.
  • Clean your refrigerator coils - you'll be surprised at how much dust accumulates down there.
  • Use rechargeable batteries to reduce the toxic waste.
  • Recycle all of your electronics rather than dumping them in the bin.

Around the House

  • Repair your leaky faucet, install water-savings toilets, and shower heads.
  • Only run the washing machine and dishwasher with full loads.
  • Don't heat an empty house. Update your home to a programmable thermostat if you can.
  • Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins at supper.
  • Start a compost pile in your backyard!
  • Take a shorter shower and never leave the water running while you brush your teeth.
  • Turn off all the lights when you leave a room.
  • Talk to your energy provider about acquiring solar powered energy.


  • Commit yourself to carpooling or cycling to work once a week.
  • Drive at a gas friendly speed (optimum is 55-60mph) rather than wasting fuel at 70mph.
  • Rent a hybrid car on your next road trip.

With smaller adaptations of your home, you could find that your water and heating bills are decreased, as well as being a greener house for the planet! To update your home insurance to suit your new and improved home, contact Jack Stone Insurance Agency serving Antioch, Brentwood, and neighboring cities in California.

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