It feels like summer has just gotten underway, but there's no doubt about it - school is right around the corner. The time has come to start cleaning out book bags, shopping for notepads, and picking out that first day of school outfit. It may seem overwhelming to transition the kids from summer fun to going back to school, but these tips can help to get your children into school mode.
Get back into routine.
If possible, a couple of weeks before going back to school, get your children to adopt a routine of going to bed early and waking up early. The long summer nights may mean that they are out of the habit of early wake-up calls, and practicing this before the first day back will ensure your child has sound sleep before the big day arrives.
Stock up on supplies.
Find out what school supplies your child will need with plenty of time to look through your current stash to determine what you have and what you need. Now is the time to catch the deals for school supplies, too.
Make time for meals.
If your kids have gotten used to grazing all summer long, now is a good time to reinforce the meal and snack times they will have at school.
Encourage open communication.
Talk to your child about their feelings and invite them to participate in a conversation that gives them some sense of control. Never embarrass, discount or demean your children's feelings. If your child feels they can openly talk to you, they may be more willing to share issues that they face at school.
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