
When to File a Police Report (and How It Affects Your Claim)

When to File a Police Report (and How It Affects Your Claim)

Jul 19, 2018

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When to File a Police Report (and How It Affects Your Claim)

Do I Need to File a Police Report After a Car Accident? 

A car accident is a sure-fire way to ruin your day. Not only do you have to deal with the hassle of a damaged car but you need to wait around for the police to file a report. Many motorists make the error of not calling the police after a minor accident, especially if both parties agree there has been no harm done. However, not filing an official police report can be a costly mistake to make, especially if you or the other motorist later decides to file a claim with their auto insurance in Antioch, CA. Read on to find out why you need to file a police report after a car accident.

Filing a police report is a way for motorists, especially those not at fault, to protect themselves and boost the odds of receiving fair compensation from an insurance claim. Once police officers arrive at an accident scene, they will gather information from both drivers and any witnesses. A report will be created and they will state which driver they think was to blame (if any) and then this information can be passed onto the insurers.

Even if you think you don't have much to report to the police, give them a call. You never know if the other motorist involved will change their story a couple of days later and decide to file a claim and sue you. You might then be left with paying for some or all of the damages in a case. That could mean higher auto insurance rates for you, too. Having a police report on hand details what happened and that it actually did happen.

Being in an auto accident is one of the most frustrating and unexpected things that can happen on the road. Even if it is a relatively minor wreck, call the police department and file that report as soon as possible. In the long run, you'll be glad you did.

Choose to work with insurers that have your best interest in mind. Secure your reliable auto insurance with the professionals at Jack Stone Insurance Agency. Contact us today for more information. Please open our links in a new tab so that you can enjoy more of our content.

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