
Easy Ways to Shop Online Safely During the Gift-Giving Season

Easy Ways to Shop Online Safely During the Gift-Giving Season

Dec 04, 2018

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Easy Ways to Shop Online Safely During the Gift-Giving Season

Easy Ways to Shop Online Safely During the Gift-Giving SeasonCyber Security Tips for Holiday Shopping Online

The holiday season is the biggest shopping season of the year. From Black Friday to December 24th, there are nonstop sales. While many shoppers will hit the malls hoping to find their perfect gifts, others will head online to complete their holiday shopping from the comfort of their own home. While there are many benefits of shopping online, it's important to be safe so that your identity and money are not exposed to risk. Take a look at these tips to shop online safely.

  • Avoid unknown sites

Now is not the time to try a new site that ships from abroad. Only visit websites that you know and trust. Avoid shopping on sites that you've never heard of or offer deals that seem too good to be true. Keep in mind that sites with heavily discounted merchandise could be fraudulent.

  • Look for the padlock

Look for HTTPS instead of HTTP in the website address. In addition, there should be a green padlock icon to the left of the URL. The ˜S' and the padlock mean that the website is secure and the communication between your browser and the website is encrypted.

  • Avoid clicking links in emails

Phishing emails come by the masses during the holiday season. If you don't know the sender, avoid opening the email at all. If you do open a suspicious email, avoid clicking on any of the links or opening the attachments.

  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi may be convenient, but it can be incredibly risky to use for your online shopping. The data on free, public Wi-Fi networks is unencrypted and can be hacked into, meaning that your data can be lifted.

  • Pay with your credit card

Ideally, you'll want to use your credit card instead of your debit card to make purchases. Debit cards provide a direct link to your bank account and aren't covered by credit card fraud insurance policies.

Keep in mind that these tips aren't just applicable to online shopping during the holiday season. Use them year-round to stay safe online! When you're looking to protect your pocket, make sure you have the right insurance policies in place. To get an affordable policy that protects your assets and wallet, visit the experts at Jack Stone Insurance Agency, serving California.

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